Unpacking 15 Years of Digital Marketing Experience: Lessons and Unconventional Wisdom - Part One

Published on March 19, 2024 by Gary Moyle

I’ve been mulling this post over for a while and wanted to make sure it was something that provided genuine value to anyone who took the time to read it.

These are all based on things that I have learned whilst working with clients and teams at agencies, startups and as a freelance consultant. Many I have learned from making mistakes, something I embrace now rather than feeling shame about them.

So in true Jordan Peterson fashion, here are my rules for marketing.

Provide value from the start

You should be providing value from the very minute you speak to a potential new client. It took me a while to realise this as I was always very protective over my time, but, it’s important to be optimistic and I’d rather lose a client to a competitor rather than through not giving my best.

From the moment you engage with a potential new client, it's crucial to offer value. It took me some time to grasp this concept fully, as I used to be quite protective over my time. However, maintaining an optimistic outlook is essential. I'd rather lose a client to a competitor than not give my best.

It’s obviously important to have firm boundaries, but, always give new clients the benefit of the doubt and show them why they should hire you.

Embrace the talent around you

I often used to feel threatened by people that had a natural talent for marketing, were technically gifted or had better people skills. I can’t stress how this type of thinking will hold you back. It’s actually a gift and you can learn so much from the people around you. 

This is now one of the things I look forward to the most. One of the best pieces of advice I ever heard was to never be the smartest person in the room.  So always be hungry to learn from others and welcome feedback. It’s one of the best life hacks I can think of.

Don’t rest on your laurels

People change, staff leave, new strategies emerge. Don’t expect your efforts to remain in place. It’s a constant battle to stay on top of the latest trends in SEO and digital marketing. This is especially relevant given the rise of AI and it’s impact on search engines.

Just because you got your SEO fix in a certain release, don’t expect it to stay there, roll-backs occur, sometimes things just mysteriously disappear. Expect things to go wrong and plan for it. Allocating time and resources for regular website and SEO monitoring is a great way to track that your enhancements stay the course.

Learn how to present

I don’t just mean, design a nice looking powerpoint presentation. Yes, that’s important, but learning to be a good storyteller is a far more powerful skill. One that will pay dividends throughout your career!

Learning how to communicate a compelling narrative is so valuable. A compelling narrative engages, educates, and entertains, making your message unforgettable. If like me, this doesn’t come easy to you, then focus on learning more about this important skill and follow great storytellers. They exist in every sector and niche. 

For me, I love reading about bitcoin and cryptocurrencies. Raoul Pal, the CEO of Real Vision, is a perfect example of a natural storyteller in this space. Check out his Journeyman Youtube channel for a masterclass in financial storytelling.

Scott Galloway (Professor G), is another great example, watch some of his presentations. By his own admission, he’s someone who has struggled with communication and public speaking but his brand of self-effacing humour works beautifully and I’ve always found his presentations highly engaging and fun to watch.

Never stop learning

I’d wager that digital marketing is one of the fastest-paced industries in the world. The pace of change can be relentless but it’s also a fun challenge staying ahead.

Make sure you take the time to sharpen your industry knowledge and turn any weaknesses into strengths.

There are plenty of free training opportunities as well as paid. Hubspot has a number of free training courses available. You can learn a lot about SEO and many other areas of digital marketing and also get to know one of the world’s best marketing platforms in the process.

Google provides free training with their Google Analytics Academy which is a great foundational course for anyone looking to understand and deploy Google Analytics and Tag Manager.

Keep investing yourself, it’ll be the best investment you’ll ever make.

Embrace leadership

As you develop and learn, you’ll find yourself in more senior positions. Don’t shy away from leadership and learn to embrace your inner leader.

You'll quickly find there are a new set of skills required so make sure you make time to learn what makes a great manager. There are plenty of great books about leadership, here are three examples I can think of.

  • Leaders Eat Last by Simon Sinek
  • The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen R. Covey
  • Dare to Lead by Brené Brown

I’ve always learnt as I go, often by making costly mistakes. Most of these mistakes were down to poor communication, so make sure you learn how to communicate effectively. It'll help you manage your team and the relationships around you.

In Part Deux, I’ll talk about the importance of mentors, listening to your team and the damage of procrastination.

Gary Moyle - Digital Marketing & SEO Consultant
Gary Moyle is a SEO and digital marketing consultant with over 15 years experience. He is the former head of SEO at NetBooster and has led the technical SEO strategy for Emirates Airlines, Argos, The Range, Laura Ashley and The Post Office.
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Gary Moyle - SEO & Digital Marketing Consultant.